Constitution & By-Laws of Brevard Archers, Inc.



The name of this organization shall be “Brevard Archers, Inc.”, henceforth referred to as BA. It shall be affiliated with the Florida Archery Association (FAA), the National Field Archery Association (NFAA), USA Archery, and Archery Shooters Association (ASA).


The purpose of the BA shall be:

  • To safely promote and foster field archery, target archery, bow hunting, and the other varied activities in which archery can be incorporated.
  • To cooperate with the federal and state governments in the propagation and conservation of game in its natural habitat with sportsmen and conservation officials.
  • To maintain an archery field course and conduct tournaments in accordance with the rules of the FAA, the NFAA, USA Archery and the ASA.
  • To create and promote fellowship.


Full (voting) membership in BA shall require membership in a national archery organization and its state affiliate. A local (non-voting and non-competitive) membership shall be available to individuals who want to affiliate in that way. In order to join BA, you will be required to:

  • Pay current fees and dues as set forth in the By-Laws unless there is an amendment pending.
  • Read and understand the Constitution, By-Laws , and Standing Rules of BA.


The Board of Directors shall carry the executive power of the organization. It shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Range Captain.

  • The term of each officer and board member shall be one year. Election of officer shall be held at the December club meeting. Nominations for office will be made at the October club meeting. A simple majority of members present at the December meeting will elect the officers who will assume office as of 1 January.
  • The term of an officer or director may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or for non-payment of dues. Any director missing three (3) consecutive meetings, either regular or called, may have his term terminated. The President may excuse members at his/her discretion.
  • To be eligible for election the member must be current with the club, have volunteered a minimum of 40 hours in the calendar year and provide an approved background check per Brevard County Parks & Recreation (Click to view document)
  • Any board member who holds their position for a full calendar year will receive free membership the following year.


The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of four (4) times per year. A quorum shall be three (3) voting members of the Board of Directors. The President or a quorum of the Board of Directors shall be able to call a special meeting if necessary. All meetings will be conducted with “Roberts Rules of Order” as a guideline.


Each archer is responsible for all of his/her conduct at any archery tournament or other activity sponsored in whole or in part by BA. This responsibility is to apply especially with regards to any accident(s) caused by an archer’s bow and arrows. Each archer of BA must be required to abide by the Safety Rules set forth by the USA Archery, NFAA, ASA, and the FAA as well as by the hunting rules and regulations of the State of Florida and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission.


To alter, amend, add to, or eliminate any part of this Constitution; it shall be necessary for the membership to receive a written copy of the proposed change at least thirty (30) days prior to a Constitutional meeting. To alter, amend, add to, or eliminate any part of this Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the membership present.


The fiscal year of BA shall be 1 January through 30 December



The official colors of BA shall be royal blue & neon green.


Membership fee for BA shall be:

  • Single voting membership fee for BA shall be $75.00 plus either current FAA/NFAA or FAA/USA Archery or ASA dues.
  • Family membership in BA shall be $75.00 plus either current FAA/NFAA or FAA/USA Archery or ASA dues.
  • Local, non-voting membership shall be provided for the club portion of membership fees.
  • The Board of Directors may present life Membership in BA for outstanding service to the club. This membership shall be active so long as either FAA/NFAA or FAA/USA Archery or ASA dues are current. With lapsed national/state dues, this membership may participate in club activities only.


The main powers of the Board of Directors shall be to control and manage the activities, policies, and property of BA. The Board may, after a proper hearing, recommend to the membership the expulsion or resignation of any officer or board member found guilty of not performing his/her duties in the best interests of the club.

  • To remove any officer of BA, the Board of Directors must vote unanimously (excluding the vote of the officer in question). The Board must then direct the Secretary to issue a majority vote of the membership, to be turned in within thirty (30) days. If passed, the vacancy will be filled accordingly.
  • PRESIDENT: The President shall preside over all meetings of BA. He/she shall appoint all committees, remove appointments, relieve over worked committees as he/she sees fit, and act as ‘ex-officio’ of all committees. He/she shall perform the duties relative to his/her office; and he/she shall represent BA in all matters dealing with the FAA, ASA, NFAA and USA Archery activities.
  • VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall act for the President, either individually or collectively, whenever designated by the President. The Vice-President shall actively aid the President in promoting and fostering all BA, FAA, ASA, NFAA and USA Archery activities.
  • SECRETARY: The Secretary’s duties shall be to keep minutes of all the meetings, order of business and all club records; perform all secretarial duties, and keep on file all permanent records to be made available at any given time to authorized persons. He/she shall contact the membership for BA, and he/she shall put out the club newsletter. He/she shall handle all club correspondence and be responsible for publicity for BA.
  • TREASURER: The Treasurer shall keep, in ledger form, an accurate account of all moneys of the club, pay all bills, and keep a petty cash fund, a checking account, and an interest earning account. He/she shall submit a quarterly financial statement, be authorized to sign on all BA accounts, and act as membership chairperson for BA.
  • RANGE CAPTAIN: The Range Captain is responsible for maintaining the range and making sure it is in top condition at all times. He/she shall maintain a sufficient supply of targets to keep serviceable ones on the field at all times and have the targets for all shoots and put them on the course on the day of the shoot. He/she shall have the authority to close the range in the event they feel an emergency work party is necessary. A sign will be posted at the range according to the nature of the emergency. He/she shall have the authority to settle any disputes in scoring or rules interpretation with the aid of the Tournament Chairperson.


Each and every member is responsible to do his/her share to keep up the range and help with all club activities.


To alter, amend, add to, or eliminate any part of these By-Laws, it shall be necessary that the membership receive a written copy of the proposed change prior to a club meeting. To later amend, add to, or eliminate any part of these By-Laws requires a 2/3 vote of the membership present. Supplement for all By-Laws and Constitution changes to be published in the club newsletter prior to the meeting.



  • Targets, pavilion areas, and practice areas will be assigned to specific members of the club for the purpose of maintenance.
  • The Range Captain will have the responsibility of assigning areas to club members to maintain in the condition specified by the club.
  • Work may be done at any time the members have to spare, but the area must be in top condition for all shoots.
  • The Range Captain will evaluate the areas and report to the Board of Directors any areas that are not being maintained properly.


  • The Range Captains and/or Board of Directors shall call Work parties if the need arises.


  • Always leave one member of the group or some other warning of your presence if you are behind a target. Example: Leave bow in front of the target butt.
  • Never release an arrow when you can’t see where it will land. Never “flight shoot” an arrow in the woods. Never shoot straight up in the air.
  • Never shoot a Broken Arrow. Inspect them as you retrieve them.
  • At all times a bow is a deadly weapon, just like a gun. Treat it as such.
  • Never demonstrate your skill by using a person as a target or permitting another to hold an object at which you shoot.
  • Never handle or draw another’s bow without permission.
  • Protect your sport by being careful and sure when you shoot.
  • Never run with bow and/or arrows.


  • Littering is prohibited! Please use refuse cans.
  • No bottles on the range.
  • Don’t molest the animals or plants.
  • If possible, use the practice areas to sight in and practice.
  • No shooting of blunts or broadheads in the range at any time or area.
  • No bows in excess of 80 pounds pull are allowed on the range.
  • No firearms or crossbows are allowed on the range.
  • No ungentlemanly or unladylike behavior on the range.
  • No drugs or alcohol of any kind will be allowed on the range.
  • No parking in field archery lanes or undesignated areas.
  • No smoking on the line or where it bothers others.


  • National archery association rules will be followed unless otherwise specified.
  • No one family shall compose a shooting group.
  • Any equipment deemed unsafe by the Range Captain will not be permitted on the course.
  • No practice on the course on the day of a shoot.
  • No shooting at anything but designated targets on the range.
  • The shoot begins with the sounding of a device.
  • No smoking outside of designated areas during tournaments.


To alter, amend, add to, or delete any art of these standing rules requires a 2/3 vote of membership present at any club meeting.


In the event the club shall cease to exist as an archery club; any and all assets, land, equipment, bows, targets, butts, etc. Which have been bought and or donated to the club shall be assigned by the proper officers of the club and at the director of the Board of Directors, to any club, educational, charitable, or non-profit organization. It is the specific intention that the members of this club shall in no way profit from their membership.

Information current as of 10/1/2021